The Vaughn Sawchuk Foundation and Running Room are getting ready to tie our laces on  Sept 3rd for a fun Color Run. There is a 1 kilometer run for the little ones with the 5 and 10 kilometer run followed shortly after. An event the whole family can participate in. The choice is yours but you should most definitely be here. With colored powder bursts all throughout the course your body acts as a moving canvas running along the scenic Bow River all within the wonderful town of Cochrane Ab. Check out this link and involve yourself, your support helps the longevity of the Stollery Children’s Hospital.



8 thoughts on “Vaughn’s Memorial Color Run

    1. Hi Trish!!! That’s fantastic! So grateful to have your support and we hope our first run is a successful one ???

    1. Hi Natalie!

      Sorry for the late reply :)I am looking into having a team registration form available. Just waiting to hear from running room!Sorry it’s pain to register that way ? Thank you for your inquiry ?

    1. Hi there! Yes! We are accepting walk up registration at 8:30 at Mitford Park. Kiddie run begins at 9 🙂 Hope to see you there!

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