Our Paint Night was a HUGE success!! We would like to thank…
- Bluepants Applications- Josh Fafard ( our fabulous website! )
- TD FineArts- Toni Dent
- Cochrane Legion
- Aeron E. King
- Cochrane Toyota
- Boston Pizza
- Spray Lakes Sawmills-Family Sports Centre
- Anything Grows- Craig Belway
- Canadian Tire
- Unique Lockets- Brooke Sabourin
- Velata- Christine Dickau
- Pampered Chef- Kristine Jeffels
- Steeped Tea- Lacy Moulder
- Tupperware & Scentsy- Vanessa Friesen
- Howards Cove Photography- Joanne Howard
- BowRiver Chiropractic & Massage- Dave Desmarais
- Mystical Voyage- Marianne Frank
- Eliza May Day Spa- Cindy Murray
- Wayne & Pat Dent/ Richard & Pat Sawchuk- BBQ
- Kimberley Ford- Mrs.Calgary 2016
- Marni Fedeyko&Margi Storey- Vaughn Sawchuk Foundation- Online Auction
- WestJet- Gift of Flight- being a flight attendant came in handy for this profitable raffle- thanks Brooke&Joe Sabourin, and Andrea&Craig Warnick for selling tickets!!!!!
- To EVERYONE who came out to support us and our cause at the Paint Party, we thank you …From the heart, for the heart xo